About my photography gear

Some photographers say that “gear does not matter, and that it is the photographer that matters”.

I believe it is a fact that a photographer with the best gear who doesn’t know how to use his camera, nor understand the artistic nature of lighting and composition is unlikely to get amazing photographs. I also believe that a photographer who knows his gear, lighting and composition can make great and compelling photos with any almost any type of gear. But not for every situation or every kind of picture.

I think in some cases, gear does indeed matter. The key is knowing your photo gear, what it can and can’t do, and using the proper gear for every specific photo requirement.

In the world of photography, good quality gear has always been expensive and especially high quality lenses are probably the most important investment to make. So building a quality pack of gear can take some time. I acquired like many other photographers my set of gear over many years. But remember good gear won’t bring you great scenery or amazing light. That you will have to search for yourself!

The same reasoning counts for post-processing software. These great programs are only as good as the people who work with them. So you need to know it’s possibilities in order to apply them properly.

Camera Equipment:


Camera Support Equipment: